This topic tractor rear wheels are extremely normal and significant between the indian farmers. On the off chance that you are interested to think about new tractor wheels, at that point stay tuned to the blog. 

Most tractors are accessible at 2wd drive. In 2wd the front wheels are little and the Rear Wheels are greater. The front wheels are appropriate for guiding. The two wheels are significant for the tractor yet have you ever attempted to think why the front wheels are more modest? 

If truly, at that point this blog is simply made for you. In this blog, you get pertinent data about the tractor Rear Wheels of a tractor. Along these lines, how about we start immediately. 

“Unique Auto Products Pvt. Ltd” deals in all types of “Tractor spare parts”. Visit for more info.

What is Tractor Rear Wheels? 

To start with, we began with the presentation of tractor Rear Wheels. The tractor wheels are the ring-formed material that comes in various sizes and shapes. It moves the heap from the hub to the ground, and it additionally gives footing on a superficial level. By this you can do the tractor maintenance.

The tractor wheels are accessible in various sizes on the lookout. These distinctive tractor Tyres are appropriate for different purposes. 

Our team of hardworking employees is working round the clock to provide you “Tractor spare parts” at any time. For more information, you can call us at the following number “9643811015”.

Following are the various sizes of front and Rear Wheels: – 

Front wheels size – 

6.0 X 16 

6.50 X 16 

7.50 X 16 

Rear Wheels size – 

12.4 X 28 

13.6 X 28 

14.9 X 28 

We have two brand names under the banner of “Unique Auto Products Pvt. Ltd”. The former brand name is known as “Unique” and the latter brand name is known as “Geeken”. Under the brand name of “Unique”, we provide all “Tractor spare parts”.

Tractor Wheels Features 

Tractor wheels have numerous exceptional Features that evade slippage and give a high grasp. In the beneath fragment, we are demonstrating some significant advantages/Features of tractor wheels. 

The wheels have a long life, and extraordinary stability. 

Most wheels are made with rubber material. 

They have approx. 770 measurements and 183 widths for open to working. 

Most tractor wheels arrive in an approx. 16-inch size.

If you need “Tractors spare parts”, then you can mail us at [email protected]. 

Why Front Wheel of Tractor is Little ?

Different sizes and shapes of tractor attempt to connect with the surface. A homestead vehicle can without much of a stretch push and pull weighty burdens. The Tyres likewise assume a significant job in the driving experience. The front little and huge Rear Wheels evade the tractor from sinking. 

The tractor maker makes the back tire greater to adjust force and weight. Rear Wheels likewise offer solidness to the tractor. In the underneath area, we are demonstrating a few reasons why tractor wheels are inconsistent in size. See. 

Grip of Traction 

Often tractors are working in sloppy and uneven fields. On the off chance that you have ever seen a vehicle, you probably saw that vehicle slip on the dirt surface and occasionally stall out. The greater Tyres try not to sneak through the mud surface. The bigger tire fitted in the tractor has much better grasp cushions that can chomp into the ground. The huge surface region that appropriates weight more equally demonstrates the footing is significantly better. Likewise, the tractor is pulling things, the weight behind it pushes the Rear Wheels down, expanding their grasp by giving not so much slippage but rather more contact. 


The front-Rear Wheels have a superior turning span that implies the tractor takes simpler goes to sharp corners. During the Planting, Furrowing, and collecting, it is essential to cover most territories of the fields. The little and lightweight is gainful for simple control. That is the reason tractor Rear Wheels are large. 


With more modest front wheels, the driver can see the front view, and it is a lot simpler to see everything when the Tyres are not in your manner. Because of the greater Rear Wheels, the driver seat is set at a higher position that gives great permeability and corners of the field furrows. It makes cultivating work simple and profitable. That is the reason tractor wheels are enormous. 


As we probably are aware, enormous Tyres come at a greater cost, and the cost of the little tire is low. Thus, the substitution of little Tyres is simple and less expensive. Because of the thicker size of Rear Wheels, they shouldn’t be supplanted as frequently as front ones. That is the reason tractors have large wheels. 

Weight Distribution 

The substantial Rear Wheels give an appropriate weight dispersion while the tractor pulls any weight. That is the reason the tractor back tire is enormous. The driving pivot settled higher over the ground shows the tractor can pull more weight without the front wheel rising.  The driving force of a tractor is substantial and incredible, situated at the front of a tractor. Thus, the enormous wheels at the back appropriate the weight more equitably to counter a hefty front. 

Soil Conservation 

Most tractors are utilized to set up the field before planting seeds, and they likewise keep up solid plants. A rancher needs to really focus on the dirt just as harvests. The greater Rear Wheels have a lot bigger surface territory, the heaviness of the tractor is appropriated across a huge zone, so the Tyres don’t pack the dirt quality so much, which is the reason the Rear Wheels of the tractor are greater. 

We are eagerly hoping to curate a harmonious business relationship with you.

Top 7 Tractor Tyres Companies in India 

In the area, we are indicating the main 10 tractor tire organizations in India. Coming up next are the famous tractor tire organizations in India. 

  1. MRF Ltd 

2. Apollo Tyres Ltd 

3. JK Tire and Industries Ltd 

4. CEAT Ltd 

5. Balkrishna Industries Ltd 

6. TVS Srichakra Ltd 

7. Goodyear India Ltd 

10 Most Questions Related to Tractor Wheels

  1. Why tractor wheels are huge? 

2. Why tractors have huge wheels? 

3. For what reason are tractor Tyres so huge? 

4. Why tractor Rear Wheels are greater? 

5. Why tractor back tire is greater? 

6. Why the tractor front wheel is more modest? 

7. Why tractor Rear Wheels are huge? 

8. Why Rear Wheels of the tractor are greater? 

9. Why the front wheel of the tractor is little? 

10. Why tractor wheels are inconsistent in size? 

We are fully committed towards the complete satisfaction of our customers. And we use the best quality products available in the market, to provide a completely coherent business experience to our respected clients. With excellent service quality and an unmatched professional devotion, we have earned the reputation of being one of the best suppliers of “Tractor spare parts”. So if you want to purchase spare parts of any kind of tractor, we are only a call away.

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